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The Italtrike Atlantic Kids Balance Bike introduces kids to the idea of balance and how to safely ride a bike on two wheels. The balance bike design encourages children to use their feet to push and stop themselves before becoming comfortable with pedaling. Features an exclusive steering design to eliminate pinch points and reduces the risk of tipping to keep children safe as they learn. Anti-puncture rubber tires provide durability and eliminate the need to be inflated. Balance bike does not have pedals.

  • SAFE DESIGN: Exclusive steering design eliminates pinch points and reduces risk of tipping and the lack of spokes and foot protection close to the wheel prevents feet from getting caught while in motion
  • ADJUSTABLE SEAT: Ergonomic elongated seat adjusts for children of different heights and the raised back prevents slipping backwards while riding
  • STRONG & DURABLE: The non-toxic, UV-resistant powder-coated steel frame and anti-puncture rubber wheels with polypropylene rims are durable and long lasting
  • PRACTICAL: Non-slip rubber handlebar grips provide comfort while in use and rear handle on seat allows for easy lifting and carrying of the bike
  • LEARN TO RIDE: Balance bike is recommended for children 3-4 years old, aiding them in how to learn how to ride a bike on two wheels and the art of balance before they need to learn to pedal

Italtrike Atlantic Kids Balance Bike

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