Combining a retro style, with modern function, the Italtrike Spoke 16” Tricycle will have kids safely speeding up and down the block. Made of powder-coated steel, this kids tricycle features adjustable handlebars, a height adjustable seat, and spoked wheels with a transparent wheel cover to keep little legs and feet protected. The front basket is the perfect place to carry around a favorite snack or a bunch of fresh picked dandelions.
- TRICYCLE FRAME: Made of powder-coated steel
- BIKE SEAT: Adjustable plastic colored seat
- WHEELS: Solid, anti-puncture rubber bike tires with transparent wheel cover
- HANDLEBARS: Height adjustable, chrome plated steel handlebars with non-slip rubber grips and safety steering lock
- FEATURES: Plastic front basket, sturdy colored pedals, painted steel footrest, and mudguard on front wheel
2-5 years - MADE IN ITALY